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Karen Ashton

Stress Sucks - Making small changes

Our bodies were not meant to live in the fast-paced, stressful world that we live in. Which has resulted in so many people being affected by health issues; as our bodies just cannot keep up. It is important to make small changes in our daily routines to incorporate healthy habits that can help to beat stress and kick its butt! Here are a few suggestions.


You are what you eat and what you absorb. Your energy and zest for life can be directly influenced by what you eat. Food is the biggest drug; you cannot expect to eat junk food and feel healthy and strong. Stress is multiplied by what you eat, and too much junk food will make it worse.

Good nutrition will help towards a healthy heart, circulation, cholesterol levels, healthy immune system, digestion, and a healthy body weight. It is not just about healthy eating; it uses a holistic approach to rid the body rid itself of stressful substances.

The improvements nutritional therapy can make are:

· It treats the cause, not just the symptoms

· It provides a preventative measure against disease

· It helps to lead a longer more vibrant life

· It ensures personal involvement and not just reliance on someone else

Your body needs certain nutrients to rebuild itself. It requires vitamins, minerals & enzymes to ensure that the rebuilding process is done properly. There are a few small steps you can take immediately to improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair. Skin repairs itself at a pretty rapid pace, so you can expect to see improvements within a month of adding the following to your diet:

· Vitamins & Minerals – Start by adding foods enriched with vitamins & minerals, or look at supplements for the ones in foods that you don’t often eat, are allergic too, or just don’t like.

· Antioxidants – These are molecules that neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can harm your cells.

· Oils & Fats - A little fat is essential in the daily diet. Fats provide a source of concentrated energy, as well as the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and they also transport the vital nutrients around the body. Fat is also needed for hormone metabolism, tissue repair, healthy skin and hair, protecting the internal organs and to prevent excessive loss of body heat. Try replacing your cooking oil and salad dressings to olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil. A squeeze of lemon juice adds zest to a salad too.

· Fruit & Vegetables - For optimal nutrition, it is advised that a minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables are eaten daily. Raw fruit and vegetables are the best way to eat them for optimal nutrients, as when cooked, these nutrients deplete. Dark leafy vegetables are high in important enzymes, phytonutrients, minerals & fibre.

· Protein - Proteins are the most complex of all the food groups and they have two main functions:

· Structural function – Growth & repair of tissues

· Metabolic function – Production of enzymes, hormones, antibodies, energy & neurotransmitters, essential body processes such as water balance. Transports nutrients.

Foods rich in protein are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, plant based foods, such as legumes, cereals, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds


Water is essential for life. Our bodies are made up of 2/3 of water but are constantly in need of replacement as we lose water through breathing, sweating, urination. It is recommended that an adult drink between 1 ½ - 2 litres of water per day or we become dehydrated. Thirst is not a good way to measure dehydration; many drinks are dehydrating, such as alcohol &caffeine-containing drinks, so these cannot be used to replenish water supplies in the body. You become dehydrated long before you feel thirsty.


Although it can be easier said than done, a good nights sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself as well as your appearance, to look and feel good. During sleep, your body regenerates, rebuilds cells, balances hormone levels as well as brain chemicals. Neurochemicals that control mood and pain levels are produced during sleep, which is why so many people suffering with chronic pain are found to have an underlying sleep disorder. Adults should aim for 7 – 9 hours sleep per night, I know, that is so easy to say, but not so easy to do! Every person is different, and your body knows when its reached its right level of sleep as you will start to feel better and function better. Napping can also help to boost the mood and top up those lost sleep hours. Instead of laying in on a day off, get up at normal time and try a power nap in the afternoon.

For more info, read my other blog on – Stress Sucks! Ways to reduce stress -

Thank you for reading 😊

Karen xx

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