Ever thought of adding spray tans to your treatment list?
This can be a very lucrative investment for your business. One of our students trained with us for this therapy and gave up her full time job and earnt from JUST offering this treatment alone! She only offered spray tans. She touched base with us a few months after her training and said it was the best thing ever and she now makes more money from offering this treatment than she did in her paid full time job! We were amazed, but so happy for her.
Initial outlay can vary dependant on the brand you choose to use, we have used Sienna X as well as LA tanning, but as a training school we are not tied to training you with one brand. Once you have done you training with us you can choose which brand and kit you wish to use at a budget to suit you. Spray tan treatment prices can vary from £20 to £40+
Before our students, or their models, arrive for their training, they are given some pre treatment advice, just as you would give to your clients before they come to you for a spray tan.
This is what we give out to our students / clients:
Self-Tanning After care advice sheet
Pre-treatment advice

Before treatment it is advisable to carry out a skin patch test at least 24 hours beforehand if you have never had a tan before or the therapist is using a different product to what you have used before.
Prior to your treatment it is advisable not to:
Use any other self-tanning products for a minimum of 4 days.
Wax or shave for at least 24 hours before hand.
Wear any perfume, deodorant, body lotions or aromatherapy oils as these may affect the treatment.
It is advisable to shower prior to your appointment
Skin exfoliation will enhance the treatment as will remove dead skin cells

Please wear loose dark clothing, dark underwear & flip flops to your treatment, as any restrictive clothing (including jewellery) can affect the results.
After-care advice
Do not shower for at least 4 hours. Overnight is ideal.
Avoid activities which will induce perspiration during the development time.
Do not get the skin wet including swimming) during development time.
Do no use any deodorant, perfume, body products or make up during development time.
Avoid touching the skin during development time, as this could cause an uneven tan.
Gently exfoliate every 3-4 days to prolong the tan, and to help it wear off evenly.
Daily moisturising helps to prolong the life of the tan.
Please not that tanning products are generally not an SPF, so you will still need to apply suntan lotion.
Chlorine and excessive bathing could cause the tan to fade quicker.
It is possible that the tan could stain fabric during development time, although, very often this will wash out.
Advice for Brides
It is advised that the brides have the treatment 2 days before the wedding to allow them and their body to adapt to their new appearance. There is a possibility that the tan can come off on the dress. A trial run 4 – 6 weeks before the big day is advisable in case of allergic reactions or unexpected results.
PLEASE NOTE: If a reaction should occur from the product, we recommend you seek medical advice from your GP.
Thank you for reading :-)
Karen xx
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